IO Group‘s Artificial Intelligence (AI) approach provides the insurance industry a strong solution to structure, extract and use data. IO excels using extensive industry knowledge to build AI solutions and additions to any existing Eco-system. We often recommend clients to approach AI initiatives in an incremental and agile manner to obtain quick wins and experience for future AI decisions / initiatives.
Focus is on minimizing data overflow for IT users by leveraging data and functionality to amplify our clients. The potential of AI use for a client is individual, though IO believes that up till 80 % of common processes can be optimized via AI.
IO Groups AI solution(s) has potential to support our clients to achieve increased efficiency of various processes by reducing time, cost and amplify manpower.
IO Group’s objective is to add AI components to new or existing IT solution to support the usage of the solution / platform, though decision-making remains human.
Examples of projects and news related to this area
IO GROUP indgår samarbejde med – Fremtidens AI-løsninger til forsikringsbranchen
Vi i IO GROUP er glade for at kunne annoncere vores nye partnerskab med, en førende aktør inden for AI total løsning. Dette samarbejde kombinerer vores dybdegående erfaring med AI-drevet procesoptimering i forsikringsbranchen med’s avancerede...
IO Group was nominated to Danish AI Award 2021
Danish AI award results – jury feedback to IO Group
The last couple of month we have been participating in the AI Denmark project to get inspiration and ideas for further development of our AI strategy. An...